Share your FireStory to create a community, gain clients, and attract investors
It is the age of information! A whole world of information (and mis-information) is constantly available on a tiny device hidden in your pocket. If that isn’t enough, we are constantly bombarded through social media and emails with tiny snippets of opinion, masquerading as fact. Everyone is looking to gather you in, gain your trust, and potentially your wallet, 130 characters at a time. Information is so ubiquitous, we barely notice it anymore.
So how do you get noticed? How do you break through those barriers of trust and attention to share your groundbreaking products or service with the world?
A genuine FireStory , expertly crafted and delivered, is the key to your success. The buzz around brand firms these days is that “Story is the new marketing!” They are close. A GENUINE story is the new marketing. A FireStory will radiate light, energy, and understanding for those who hear it. It attracts the right audience for your message, and creates more than a casual observer – it creates a passionate believer.
The product or service you want to deliver is important, but it is not the primary reason a person will buy from you or support your efforts. They want to believe in YOU, not your offering.
What it’s not:
This is not a marketing or sales “trick”. It is not an elevator speech, or a 30 second commercial. It is not a punchy catch phrase that sticks in your head like an annoying jingle, reminding your audience:
This carries EMOTION.
This will be REMEMBERED
This is your FireStory
If you want to build your business, share your FireStory !
- FireStory Case Studies
- The Hyatt Lost Pines
- The Reynolds and Reynolds Parts Locator
- I am not sure if the above case studies will be written or video
- Appropriate services
- 15 minute Free consultation
- Discover and Deliver your FireStory
- The most important presentation of your life.
- Becoming a better Speaker