Share your to create a community, gain clients, and attract investors It is the age of information! A whole world of information (and mis-information) is constantly available on a tiny device hidden in your pocket. If that isn't enough, we are … [Read more...]
Speakers and Presenters
Share your to create a truly memorable experience for your audience Are people excited when you speak? Do they show up early with a notebook in hand, elbowing each other out of the way for a spot in the front row? Are your presentations remembered, … [Read more...]
History of Firestories
Some links about the history of storytelling: … [Read more...]
Business Leaders & CEOs
Share your to give your team inspiration, direction, and vision Do your remember fondly when your business was small? You had a small team, but everyone knew the the purpose of the business, and they were committed to the fight. Your team arrived … [Read more...]
What is a FireStory?
We all have a FireStory—a narrative of critical moments and choices that shaped the direction of our lives, the ideas and passions we developed, and events that brought us to be who we are now. In unleashing the power of these stories, we can inform, … [Read more...]
Testy Posty
This could be a video featuring Jason Jordan explaining Firestory. Aenean feugiat enim vel dui vestibulum, ac euismod orci pretium. Morbi a justo in est egestas laoreet ac vel eros. Praesent non nulla in eros commodo accumsan. … [Read more...]
A Sample Story
A FireStory video featuring someone. Proin laoreet at sapien sed tincidunt. Curabitur arcu risus, hendrerit eget orci a, finibus lacinia orci. Etiam id orci dui. Cras viverra nibh eget velit interdum, non auctor mi faucibus. Aenean porta orci leo, ut … [Read more...]
Post With Threaded Comments
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your … [Read more...]